Aviation Day to give students first look at new pilot-training program

Posted on Friday, July 14, 2023

Cessna aircraft in flight

Since humans first took flight, people have had a fascination with planes. Students who want to turn their passion for aviation into a career are invited to attend Aviation Day on Wednesday, July 19, at LaGrange-Callaway Airport.

Prospective students interested in enrolling in the aviation minor will be eligible for a free flight during the day. They must sign up in advance on the college’s aviation website.

The event will kick off at 8:30 a.m. with LaGrange Mayor Willie Edmondson and local officials offering remarks and taking part in a ribbon-cutting for the newly arrived LaGrange College planes that will be available for spectators to view.

The planes are part of the new aviation minor, which launches at the start of fall semester 2023. The program will help lead undergraduates toward careers as airline pilots, private charter pilots or cargo pilots.

Classes will be offered through Paragon Flight Training, an award-winning flight academy based at Page Field in Fort Myers, Florida. Paragon will be maintaining an office at the local airport.

A commercial pilot shortage continues to be a pressing issue in the aviation industry. Recent reports note that over the next 15 years, more than half of current U.S. pilots will have reached the mandatory retirement age of 65.

The program will provide training for Commercial Pilot Licensing through the use of a flight simulator on campus and up to four Cessna Skyhawks with digital avionics at LaGrange-Callaway Airport.

To learn more about the minor, visit


Campus Notes

  • Student gathering on campusFreshmen, transfer students and their families are encouraged to attend a summer minority welcome event on Saturday, July 15, at 9:30 a.m., in the Dickson Assembly Room at Turner Hall. During the program, new students will have an opportunity to fellowship with current students and faculty on campus and learn more about academic programs and student organizations that are offered at the college. Food will be provided.
  • Fall transfer students must go to orientation on Thursday, July 27. For more information, contact
  • Fall move-in will begin Saturday, Aug. 5, with football and cheer students, followed by move-in volunteers, student leaders, orientation leaders, Servant Scholars and the last group of orientation students on Thursday, Aug. 10. First-year and returning students will move in on Tuesday, Aug. 15.


August Faculty and Staff Birthdays

 3-Linda McMullen, Business

 8-Molly White, Admissions

10-Kevin Shirley, History

11-Lyn Perry, Education

12-Colleena Collins, Exercise Science

13-Stacey Ernstberger, Mathematics

16-John Kraus, Business Services

17-Tony Talbert, Athletics (Football)

24-Kelton Hunt, Music

30-Vickie Evans, English

30-Brian Peterson, Vice President for Academic Affairs


Video of the Week

Film Clip: “My Professor’s Guide to Murder”

A clip from the Lifetime movie filmed on campus last fall.



Sports image
  • A total of 56 student-athletes were named Academic-All Conference recipients by the Collegiate Conference of the South. To be eligible for the honor, student-athletes had to have at least a 3.30 grade-point average during the 2022-23 academic year. Of those recipients, 27 earned placements on the Presidents’ Honor Roll after posting at least a cumulative 3.90 GPA.

Alum athlete recognized with honor

  • Recent alum Isaac Bohrer ’23 was named a United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association Scholar All-American. To be eligible for the honor, a senior must be nominated by his coach, have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and behaved in a manner that has brought credit to himself, his institution and to college lacrosse both on and off the field.

Lacrosse pre game huddle

  • The lacrosse program was also honored as recipients of the 2023 Team Academic Awards. Members must achieve a 3.0 GPA or higher.


In the Headlines

Category: Community, Academics, Students

Keywords: aviation, flight training

Last updated: 07/14/2023